Friday, August 8, 2014

Where is your focus?

Students make a stand to make every day extraordinary after watching a clip from Dead Poets Society.  They are reciting their first quarter memory work - O Captain,  My Captain! 
I have had one week with students, and my excitement level is through the roof! These kids are already impressing me. I am expecting great things from them.

The year didn't start that way, though. In-service was a roller coaster of emotions. I was excited to begin, but some major things deflated my mood. I won't go into detail,  but I was in tears for about four days. I couldn't believe how fast things changed.

The students arriving really changed my disposition. I put my focus back on them, where it should have stayed,  and left the pity party behind.

The week with them has been awesome; I absolutely love my job. I cannot believe I get paid for having so much fun!!!

If you get down just remember how lucky you are and keep the focus where it matters - on the kids!